Thursday, 30 January 2014

Final Piece Evaluation

I found that my final piece wasn't that successful because I found it difficult to relate to my previous coursework, I could improve it by adding more tone using charcoal and biro which I found difficult over the paint as it didn't show up very clearly and carved through showing the white emulsion below:
One thing I did like about my final piece were the overall colours especially the warm colours which related to my personal theme which focused on Mexican folk art particularly the vivid colours.
 I painted this section in the style of one of the artists I studied Frida Kahlo by layering acrylic paint heavily to get a thick uneven texture that looks similar to oil paint but without the lengthy drying time which is unideal for this piece.

 Although I was disappointed with how the final piece turned out I experimented with the green I hadn't used much previously on another piece:
I experimented with green in this piece by blending a vibrant shade with blues and reds to see how well it blended with more earthy tones, If I could add to my final piece I would add to the cacti in more shades such as the one shown below.

 As well as this on this piece I also carved through the blue sky layer to show the white emulsion below to show different layers of tone.
 I also experimented with collage in this piece as the base is made of newspaper and text with acrylic paint which I think creates an interesting mountain like texture particularly where its starting to peel and appear really rough, I highlighted these edges using charcoal.

Overall I am much more pleased with this piece than my final piece as it shows a lot more experimental techniques and a better use of materials. As well as that I think it shows a better use of techniques I've learnt during my coursework such as collage, tone and layers.

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